2021 Lambton OFA Regional Meeting Minutes
OFA Regional Meeting 2021 Lambton County
Date: August 19th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom Meeting
Minutes prepared by: Brooke Watson, Office Administrator, Lambton Federation of Agriculture.
7:05pm Call to Order, Agenda and Minutes
- Joanne Fuller called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
- Joanne advised everyone that the session is being recorded and reminded everyone that they can unmute to ask questions.
- Joanne also stated that Carol Verstraete would be monitoring the chat. Carol and Joanne provided support phone numbers for members that needed technical assistance during the meeting.
- Joanne presented the schedule onscreen and discussed the order of events of the meeting.
- Joe Dickenson MOTIONED to approve the agenda. Doug Krall seconded. Carried.
- Joanne mentioned that minutes from the 2020 meeting were distributed with the meeting invite for this event.
- Joanne opened the floor for questions/concerns about the minutes to see if anything needed to be corrected.
7:10pm Greetings and Opening Remarks
- Gary Martin gave participants of the meeting a chance to speak to the group.
- Gary introduced the Keynote Speaker
7:15pm Keynote Speaker: Mark Robinson, Storm Hunter, The Weather Network
- Mark addressed the group on the changes in weather patterns in the world.
- Mark discussed the significance of these events and how it pertains to Ontario.
- The presentation also discussed specific weather patters and how farmers and the agricultural sector will be impacted.
- Mark showed pictures, videos and recounted his firsthand experiences of these significant weather events.
- Mark finished his presentation by recommending The Weather Network website and the app available for smartphones for current weather information.
- Mark also mentioned RadarScope.
- The floor was open for meeting participants to ask questions about Marks presentation.
7:55pm Lambton County Federation Presentation by Brooke Watson
- Brooke presented the highlights of the year for LFA.
- The first topic was on some of the technology integration that LFA has had to adopt in the last year because of the COVD-19 pandemic.
- Brooke updated the group on what is happening with Locally Lambton and the new signs that had been printed.
- Brooke also mentioned some of the initiatives that local participants were doing.
- LFA is celebrating their 80th year.
Brooke talked about the archives project and directed people where to be able to find it on the LFA website.
A request was put out that if anyone has items to add to reach out to the LFA. - Brooke discussed the Farm Safety “Day” that was hosted by the Farm Safety Association.
- Brooke shared the community organizations that the LFA supported.
These organizations included: Kids Help Phone; St. Clair Child and Youth – Transportation Fund; Lambton Cattleman’s BBQ; Mental Health Card distribution; Gift Card donations to vaccine clinic volunteers; monetary donations to county and city food banks; and London Children’s Museum. - Brooke discussed the From Our Hands To Your Table.
Brooke mentioned the partnerships between LOCA and Great Lakes Goat Dairy, both located in Wyoming; and Personal Touch Eatery in Sarnia and Dickenson Farms in Oil Springs. - Brooke and Gary discussed what LFA did to support the Line 5 Pipeline issues that arose starting in January 2021.
- Brooke highlighted what happened during the joint meeting between LFA and the Lambton Farm Safety Association.
- In lieu of bringing people to the farm in person, LFA was able to bring people to farm virtually.
Brooke highlighted the initiatives that LFA was able to do including: a virtual farm tour; Ag Day in the Classroom; Starlight Drive-In promotion; our personalized YouTube channel; and Lambton Live interview. - Brooke discussed the ways that LFA disseminates information to its members.
These methods include radio spots; AgLink Newsletter; Mental Health Card distribution; social media platforms; and our website. - Other highlights of the year were also mentioned by Brooke.
These include updating members on the changes with Temporary Foreign Workers; our scholarship applications; new staff that joined LFA; and members that were inducted into the Hall of Fame. - Brooke also discussed what LFA is working on right now.
These items are Dawn-Corunna Project Enbridge Gas; Donations for Northern Ontario farmers due to the drought; LFA/SLEP Business Retention and Expansion project; and the proposed growth of Ontario Hydro. - Information was included about how LFA members can join the Board and on how to join a committee.
8:25pm Scholarship Announcements – Burt McKinlay, AnneMcGugan, Jane Anema
- Burt McKinlay, LFA Director, gave a background on the scholarships that Lambton Federation of Agriculture has available for students to apply to.
- Burt introduced Anne McGugan who presented the Lambton County Women’s Institute Scholarship to Jordon Rombouts.
Anne discussed the highlights of Jordan’s application and why she was the winner of the scholarship.
Anne displayed the certificate that Jordan will receive in the mail, along with a cheque for her to deposit. - Burt presented the following awards:
- Lambton County Warden’s Scholarship to Hannah Symington. Burt discussed the education goals Hannah highlighted in her application. Hannah thanked the LFA Board for the award.
- Bill and Dorothy Abraham Scholarship to Jordan Rombouts. Burt again highlighted Jordan’s schooling. Jordan thanked everyone for both scholarships that she received.
- Bell One Scholarship to Theresa Van Damme. Burt described the program that Theresa is attending and how it will impact the agriculture community. Theresa thanked the LFA Board for the scholarship.
- Bell Two Scholarship to Sarah Hayter. Burt discussed Sarah’s plans for school. Sarah thanked everyone for the scholarship that she received.
- Patrick and Timothy Kerrigan Scholarship to Emily Griffin. Burt highlighted Emily’s schooling. Emily sent regrets; she was not able to attend the meeting.
- Lois Wakefield Scholarship to Nikki Boere. Burt described Nikki’s education goals with the scholarship. Nikki thanked the LFA Board for the scholarship.
- Dona Stewardson Scholarship to Megan McGrail. Burt discussed Megan’s education goals. Megan thanked the LFA Board for her scholarship.
- Burt introduced Jane Anema of the Sarnia Community Foundation for presentation of the Joyce Anderson Scholarship.
Jane discussed the Anderson scholarship and SCF’s role.
Jane presented the Joyce Anderson Scholarship to Nicholas Gerrits.
Nicolas described his research and education plans. Nicolas thanked Jane and the LFA Board for the scholarship. - Burt congratulated the winners again and wished them good luck with their studies on behalf of the LFA Board.
8:50pm OFA Review, Regional Meeting Report 2021, Crispin Colvin
- Crispin gave an overview of what the OFA has been doing to navigate COVID-19 and how the OFA is responding to industry needs.
- Crispin then discussed the Home-Grown Campaign and ways that the OFA is promoting that initiative.
He also mentioned that it will be presented to Lambton County Council on September 1st. - Crispin highlighted the work OFA has been doing with local police forces to help local federations.
- Crispin noted that Feeding Your Future is something good that came from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
It helps members find, train and retain the workers they need in farms and agri-business. - The Six by Sixteen food literacy program was discussed by Crispin. Crispin covered how different resources were created to advertise and promote this program
- Crispin discussed the Revive Fund and the types of projects that are being funded with this funding. Crispin mentioned the LFA London Children’s Museum project.
- OFA’s Strategic Plan was highlighted to show the group where the focus will be in the next year.
- Crispin mentioned the OFA Annual General meeting on November 22 from noon until 4 p.m.
Crispin noted a brief overview of the schedule of this event. - Crispin closed his presentation with the Future Focus of the OFA noting that the OFA is looking forward to future meetings.
9:00pm What to Expect from a Virtual AGM, Joanne Fuller
- Joanne gave an overview of the Virtual AGM that is taking place on Monday, November 22.
- Joanne also mentioned what will be happening at that meeting and other details participant need to be aware of.
9:03pm Policy Advisory Council and Delegates
- Joanne thanked the Current 2021 Lambton County Policy Advisory Council of Gary Martin, Darcy Fuller, and George Dickenson.
- Joanne noted that Lauren VanEwyk served for ½ year.
- Joanne announced the nominations received and acclaimed the Lambton County Policy Advisory Council for 2022.
The members are Gary Martin, Darcy Fuller, and Brian Eves. - Joanne announced the nominations and acclaimed members for Lambton County Delegates for 2021 OFA AGM are: Brian Eves, Burt McKinlay and Cathy Young.
- Joanne noted that there are 9 positions available, with three of them being filled.
- Joanne announced the Lambton County Alternate Delegates Acclaimed for 2021 OFA AGM.
These delegates are Don McGugan and Debbie Coke. - Joanne congratulated all the Delegates and Alternate Delegates who will be representing Lambton County at the Virtual OFA Annual Meeting on November 22.
9:10pm Motion to Accept
- Gary Martin MOTIONED to accept the acclaimed 2021 Regional meeting slate of candidates for Lambton County, and George Dickenson seconded.
Carried. - Burt McKinlay MOTIONED to allow Lambton County membership to fill vacant delegate and alternate delegate positions prior to November 19, 2021, Brian Eves seconded this motion.
9:14pm Resolutions and Member Feedback
- Gary Martin opened the floor for any member questions, feedback or resolutions.
- Teresa Van Raay OFA Director at Large, highlighted questions that will be discussed at PAC.
ACTION: Gary Martin will send to the LFA Members. - Adam Kilner asked how can people outside the farming community participate in what the OFA is doing?
Crispin answered this question by highlighting the Associate Membership that OFA offers.
Carol added the Member Services number to chat [note it is: 1-800-ONT-FARM] where people can call to ask questions.
9:20pm Thank you and Adjournment
- Joanne Fuller, along with Gary Martin President of LFA thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
- James Grant MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.
August 2021 Regional Meeting
Tagged on: Regional Meeting
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