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2024-2025 Scholarships:

Joyce Anderson Scholarship ($2,000)
- Administered by The Sarnia Community Foundation – Executive Director Mike Barron presented on their behalf.
- This year’s recipient was Sydney Goodreau from north of Croton.
- Sydney is enrolled at Redeemer University for a four year English degree with a special focus on creative writing.
- Sydney has written a few young adult novels already and hopes to be published one day.
Bill and Dorothy Abraham Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Pavla Gerrits from Petrolia.
- Pavla is enrolled at the University of Guelph for a four-year Animal Biology degree.
- Pavla is planning on going to Ontario Veterinary College to continue on to become a veterinarian.
Patrick and Timothy Kerrigan Scholarship ($1,000)
- The Kerrigan scholarship was started in 1988 (with funding replenished in 2021 upon the passing of Tim).
- This year’s recipient was Dayna Robbins from Mooretown.
- Dayna is in year 2 towards a four year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Lambton College and hopes to become a Registered Nurse at a local facility.
Bell One Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Samuel Thomas from Mooretown.
- Samuel is enrolled at the University of Guelph in Ridgetown for an Associate Diploma in Agriculture and hopes to continue working in the agriculture sector, or learn a trade.
Bell Two Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Tim Bastiaansen from Thedford.
- Tim is enrolled at the University of Guelph in Ridgetown for an Associate Diploma in Agriculture and hopes to take over the family’s layer farm as well as get into some cash cropping.
Dona Stewardson Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Nikki Boere from Warwick Township.
- Nikki is enrolled at McMaster University, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, in her fourth year.
- Nikki is hoping to work in a critical care setting, such as an emergency department once she graduates and becomes a registered nurse.
- Nikki also was awarded the Lois Wakefield scholarship in 2021.
Lois Wakefield Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Mallory Forbes from Sarnia.
- Mallory is enrolled at Western University for a four year psychology degree.
- Mallory is hoping to continue her education to become an Occupational Therapist.
Don McCabe (4H) Scholarship ($1,000)
- This year’s recipient was Addison Griffin from Sarnia.
- Addison is enrolled in the 4 year Kinesiology Bachelor of Arts program at Western University.
- Addison is hoping to continue studies towards becoming a physiotherapist.
Lambton County Women’s Institute Scholarship ($1,000)
- In 2021, the Lambton County Women’s Institute entrusted the LFA with money to continue the scholarship in their name.
- This year’s recipient was Tyler McGrail from Wyoming.
- Tyler is enrolled at University of Guelph for the Justice and Legal Studies program with the hope of becoming a lawyer.
Attendees: 52 total
- 2024 Scholarship recipients and family members
- LFA board members
- OFA members
- Sarnia Community Foundation Executive Director
6:25pm – Welcome and Introductions
LFA President Brian Eves, welcomed all guests
6:30pm – Dinner Served
Maaike Campbell thanked the WCC staff for preparing the wonderful meal and hosting our regional meeting
7:20pm – Guest Speaker: Mike Kerrigan
LFA Director Burt McKinlay introduced the guest speaker.
Mike Kerrigan spoke on “run for rural mental health” and their experiences. He ran a total of 1851.42 kms, with a goal to raise $10,000 for mental health.
Very successful and the goal was reached before they left so they decided to strive to raise $100,000. Used the money to hire more councillors for mental health.
Mike’s barn needed a massive rebuild at the time so wanted to take the running time to reflect on this and if he should sell his farm.
Mike described what it was like to run and the ins and outs of his day. The motorhome would go alongside and he would catch up at the end of the day and take the time to write his map for the next day etc.
Mike completed the journey over 3 separate legs. His first endeavour was Oct 14-26, they left Strathroy, went back out in April for 3 weeks then took another break and finished in September for 4 weeks.
Surrounded by much support and community to keep spirits alive and keep going. Mike made specific mention which pointed to your mindset, where if you want to do something you can and will. Mike shared many memorable stories of human hospitality that he experienced through his runs.
His final thoughts concluded with: “When you think you can’t do something make sure to look around and see what others are doing to find your strength”.
Joanne Sanderson spoke to Soil & Crop spoke on upcoming events
8:15pm Scholarship Awards
President Brian Eves, presented Scholarship awards as follows:
- Joyce Anderson Scholarship $2000.00 presented to Sydney Goodreau
- Women’s Institute Scholarship $1000 presented to Tyler McGrail – parents accepting on his behalf
- Bell One Scholarship $1000 presented to Samuel Thomas
- Bell Two Scholarship $1000 presented to Tim Bastiaansen
- Bill & Dorothy Abraham Scholarship $1000 presented to Pavla Gerrits – not in attendance
- Don McCabe Scholarship $1000 presented to Addison Griffith – not in attendance
- Dona Stewardson Scholarship $1000 presented to Nikki Boere – not in attendance
- Lois Wakefield Scholarship $1000 presented to Mallory Forbes – not in attendance
- Patrick & Timothy Kerrigan Scholarship $1000 presented to Dayna Robbins
8:30pm LFA Update
Brian thanked the board members for being an active part of the board.
Provided an update on the happenings of 2024 and recapped events that LFA supported through the year.
Briefly spoke to key issues Lambton is facing with farmland ex expropriation, drainage, taxation (proposed changes) due to out of date MPAC assessments.
Update on Locally Lambton and how LFA supports community through fair donations, foodbank support.
LFA gets information out to members and community through radio spots, social media posts and website.
8:40pm OFA Update
Crispin provided an update from the OFA and advocacy programs such as advanced payment program, and underused housing tax.
Veterinarians act, provincial policy statement, call to end carbon tax, annual advocacy day, rural focus when meeting with government officials, legislative update example: C-234; C-293; C-275; C-244; C-280; C-282; C-355; C-50; C-33; S-287.
Zone 6 update included a farm safety victim impact presentation, young farmers forum,
Lambton school job fair, Niagara parks power station bus tour, Peavey mart customer appreciation day.
Hot topics include engaging future leaders, Revive fund projects, like culinary tours, mental health workshops and road safety, home grown campaigns promoting Ontario food products and the agri-mentor program and making wellness matter. 24/7 phone line for mental health resources.
Building partnerships with the community.
8:45pm Elections
Karen McLean appointed the following scrutineers: Paul Nairn and Teresa VanRaay
George Dickenson motioned to appoint as scrutineers, Harry van Weiren seconded the motion – CARRIED.
PAC – Policy Advisory Council: meets 2-3 times per year and their role is to gather input and provide the input to the board of directors, PAC attends AGM and they vote.
Current 2024 PAC representatives are Gary Martin, George Dickenson and Brian Eves.
Need to elect 3 people for 2025:
- George nominated Harry van Weiren
- Brad nominated Brian Eves
- Harry nominated Gary Martin
Last call for nominations – closed
Brian Eves, Gary Martin and Harry van Weiren accepted representing PAC in 2025.
Election for delegates for the AGM, Nov 25/26 in Toronto, AGM delegates include:
- Maaike Campbell
- DonMcGugan
- Harry van Weiren
- Darcy Fuller
- Brad Langstaff
- Russ Hyatt
- Fraser Beatty
- Mac Campbell
Second call for nominations:
- Julie Maw
- Debbie Cok
- Emma Oullette
Third call for nominations:
- Sarah Butler
Final call for nominations: none, Karen declared nominations closed
- Sarah Butler – accepted
- Emma Oullette – decline
- Debbie Coke – accepted
- Julie Maw- not in attendance, needs letter/email to accept
- Fraser Beatty – accepted
- Russ Hyatt – accepted
- Brad Langstaff – accepted
- Darcy Fuller – accepted
- Mac Campbell – declined
- Harry van Weiren – accepted
- Don McGugan – declines
- Maaike Campbell – accepted
Burt McKinlay was nominated for an alternate along with Don McGugan – both accepted. They will step up if someone is not able to attend AGM or PAC.
Gary Martin MOTION to allow LFA to fill positions that become available, seconded by Darcy Fuller, CARRIED.
Karen called the election portion closed
Brian opened floor to questions, seeing none, closed the meeting.
Social & evening concluded