Agriculture and agri-business represent the second largest economic sector in Lambton County.

The Lambton County agricultural industry consists of traditional field crop and animal production, but has grown to include thriving agri-business and value-added agriculture opportunities.

Lambton County is located at the southern end of Lake Huron and along the shores of the St. Clair River, and offers many environmental factors that make it an ideal location for agriculture and food processing.

The community experiences moderate summer and winter temperatures as a result of the proximity to Lake Huron.

These factors make Lambton County a key location for crop production, including specialty crops and fruits and vegetables. It also makes the region ideal for greenhouse production, given its temperate climate and amount of sunlight throughout the year.

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2021 Lambton County Census Highlights

There were 2,140 individual farms in Lambton County in 2021.
Farm Numbers

2,091 farms in 2016

Ontario Agriculture

As farmers, we know the importance of agriculture to our family and our community.
Here are impressive numbers about how Ontario’s agri-food sector is fueling the economy.
