January 13, 2017
Erin Kwarciak ACST(A)
Planning Technician
Town of Plympton-Wyoming
546 Niagara Street, P.O. Box 250
Wyoming, Ontario N0N 1T0
RE: Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Official Plan
Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Official Plan proposes to rezone approximately 755 hectares (1870 acres) of lands currently designated as “Restricted Agriculture” to Lakeshore Residential”.
The Lambton Federation of Agriculture wholeheartedly opposed this proposal.
Firstly, we oppose the rezoning of 755 hectares (1870 acres) of lands currently designated as “Restricted Agriculture” to Lakeshore Residential”. We believe that prime agricultural lands should be reserved for the production of food, fibre and fuel, for the benefit of Ontario, Canada and the world.
Secondly, we believe that this proposed rezoning is not permitted by the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), PPS Policy reads as follows; A planning authority may identify a settlement area or allow the expansion of a settlement area boundary only at the time of a comprehensive review and only where it has been demonstrated that:
- a) sufficient opportunities for growth are not available through intensification, redevelopment and designated growth areas to accommodate the projected needs over the identified planning horizon;
- b) the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available are suitable for the development over the long term, are financially viable over their life cycle, and protect public health and safety and the natural environment;
- c) in prime agricultural areas:
- 1. the lands do not comprise specialty crop areas;
- 2. alternative locations have been evaluated, and
- i. there are no reasonable alternatives which avoid prime agricultural areas; and
- ii. there are no reasonable alternatives on lower priority agricultural lands in prime agricultural areas;
- d) the new or expanding settlement area is in compliance with the minimum distance separation formulae; and
- e) impacts from new or expanding settlement areas on agricultural operations which are adjacent or close to the settlement area are mitigated to the extent feasible.
In determining the most appropriate direction for expansions to the boundaries of settlement areas or the identification of a settlement area by a planning authority, a planning authority shall apply the policies of Section 2: Wise Use and Management of Resources and Section 3: Protecting Public Health and Safety.
This proposed Official Plan Amendment is not part of a comprehensive review, rendering, we believe, this amendment outside the authority of Council to consider at this time.
Settlement expansions are serious undertakings for municipalities. Multiple factors must be considered in preparing for a settlement area boundary expansion, hence the requirements for considering multiple criteria and deferring consideration of a settlement area boundary expansion to only the time of a comprehensive review.
The Lambton Federation of Agriculture respectfully requests that the Council of the Town of Plympton-Wyoming withdraw from consideration Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Official Plan.
Yours truly,
~Al Langford~
President, Lambton Federation of Agriculture