2022 LFA AGM Minutes (Prepared by Brooke Watson)
Welcome from LFA President – Gary Martin | Gary called the meeting order at 7:03pm. Gary welcomed everyone to the meeting. Gary introduced Kevin Marriott. Other guests had the opportunity to speak to the group before the meeting started. |
O Canada | Brooke played O Canada in the Zoom meeting. |
Local Helping Local Video | Local Helping Local – Career Pathways video played |
Hall of Fame | Joanne Sanderson presented what has been happening with the Hall of Fame over the past year. Joanne provided contact information for the Hall of Fame. There was a chance for questions at the end of the presentation. |
Laura Greaves, SLWDB | Laura Greaves discussed the EmployerOne survey that is open until January 31, 2022. Laura provided information on how to complete the survey, highlighted the expectations of the survey and noted that the survey could be saved and completed in multiple sessions. The link was provided to the OFA members at the meeting. Laura invited anyone that had questions to reach out to her. |
Approval of Agenda & Minutes | Attendees had access to the minutes and agenda in the shared drive distributed before the meeting. Brooke shared her screen to participants could review the Agenda and then the minutes. Brian Eves MOTIONED to approve the agenda for the 2022 LFA Annual General Meeting. George Dickenson seconded. Carried. Burt McKinlay MOTIONED to approve the minutes from the 2021 LFA Annual General meeting. Joanne Sanderson seconded. Carried. |
Approval of Reports | Mike Belan MOTIONED to receive the reports. Dave Ferguson seconded. Carried. Brooke shared her screen to show the financial reports that were presented by Mitchell Geerts, Accountant for MPW. Dave Ferguson MOTIONED to accept the reports. Brian Eves seconded. Carried. Concern raised by Debbie Coke regarding the donation made by LFA to the London Children’s Museum, which is outside of Lambton County. Gary Martin did an in-depth discussion on all donations that LFA made this year and how they were staying in Lambton county, with an exception being made for the Children’s Museum in London. Joanne Fuller expanded on the unique circumstance of 8 federations that feed into the London catchment, challenging each other to donate to the cause, and how overall $53,000 was donated by agriculture federations. Joanne explained the feedback that OFA is able to give to the museum and that the farming exhibit even goes into aspects of Farm Safety. Dave Ferguson MOTIONED to approve the appointment of Mitchell Geerts as the accountant. Ray Bygrove seconded. Carried. |
Committee Reports | PAC – Darcy Fuller presented what the PAC had been doing in the year. Darcy summarized what happened with PAC in March 2021, August 2021, and January 2022. Farm Safety – George &Agnes Dickenson presented on what Farm Safety has been doing this year. George highlighted the Mental Health and Coping Skills presentation that Lauren Van Ewyk did. Enbridge and WSPS sponsored the session. Farm Safety “Day” was from July 1 to July 8. Participants were able to submit their posters were submitted digitally. George and Agnes arranged to have participation bags delivered to all kids that participated. The Farm Safety Annual Meeting was held on Feb 3rd via a Zoom session. Gord Marsh, paramedic, spoke about what to do to make your farm and home more accessible in case of an emergency. Scholarship winners were presented by Burt McKinlay. Burt discussed the application and review process that LFA follows. Burt noted all scholarships that LFA presented for 2021-2022 at the Regional Meeting in August and named the winner of each. |
Elections (Directors) | Dave Ferguson MOTIONED to have Joanne Fuller oversee the process, Julie Maw seconded. Carried. Joanne thanked current directors for their dedication and help this year. George Dickenson MOTIONED to appoint Joanne Fuller and Andrew Fuller as scrutineers. Brian Eves seconded. Carried. Joanne listed the names of the Directors that would let them names stand for the 2022 Board: Gary Martin, Mike Belan, George Dickenson, Burt McKinlay, Darcy Fuller, Ray Bygrove, Brian Eves, James Grant, Doug Krall. Joanne asked if there were any Motions from the Floor: Harry Van Wieren, nominated by George. Harry will let his name stand. Brad Langstaff nominated by George. Brad will let his name stand. All director positions acclaimed. Dave Ferguson MOTIONED to accept the motions noted above; Julie Maw seconded. Carried. George MOTIONED that they Board can fill any positions throughout the year. Darcy Fuller seconded. Carried Joanne thanked those who will be joining the 2022 Lambton Federation of Agriculture Board. Discussion on resolution on Loading and Lane Areas. George mentioned that this has been a concern that has been brought up in multiple meetings. Discussion on county updating infrastructure. Discussion on the issue of not being always able to load in the fields and having to be on the road to load. George MOTIONED to have OFA lobby provincial federal governments to specify the importance of allowing a load area for farmers loading on the roads, Darcy seconded. Carried. This motion will be sent directly to OFA. Joanne Sanderson discussed an issue brought up at the Cattleman’s meeting for paying farmers a living wage, and the issues without housing. Discussion followed. |
New Business | Open to the floor – No new business |
Presidents Message | Gary Martin, LFA President addressed the group. Gary discussed LFA’s expansion in social media. Gary highlighted the collaborations LFA has had with LFSA this year, co-hosting a special meeting. Gary also talked about the archives that have been created on the website – 80 years worth of content is scanned. The donations that LFA made this year were also presented. |
OFA Presentation | Crispin Colvin, Zone Director and Joanne Fuller, MSR. Crispin discussed the Home Grown Campaign that is starting. Crispin mentioned the Feeding Your Future webinars and other opportunities that became available the last year. Crispin noted the Mental Initiatives that OFA has available for the farming community. |
Guest Speaker | The Honourable Rob Black, Senator for Ontario and Chair of the Canadian Senators Group. Senator Black shared a presentation about the initiatives that he is working on. Senator Black provided contact information, telling everyone they were welcome to contact with concerns. |
Local Helping Local | Brooke played the Local Helping Local on Environmental Stewardship video |
Closing Remarks | Gary highlighted some upcoming events. Gary thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Ray Bygrove motioned to adjourn at 9:39pm. |
2021-2022 Scholarship Report
Warden’s Scholarship
- The first scholarship of $2,000 was presented at the LFA annual meeting in January 2021 to Nathan Wilson who raised near Wyoming and is studying towards his Phd at Lakehead University in the Environmental Biotechnology program.
- The second scholarship of $2,000 was presented to Hannah Symington who lives near Watford. Hannah has recently graduated from the University of Guelph and this fall is enrolled in the Masters program in Weed Science at the Ridgetown Campus of the University of Guelph. In her application she states that she will be researching chemicals that control herbicide resistant waterhemp in corn and soybeans.
Joyce Anderson Scholarship ($2,000)
- Presented by Jane Anema of the Sarnia Community Foundation to Nicholas Gerrits, who lives near Wyoming. He is enrolled in the Plant Biotechnology program at the University of Manitoba. In his application he says that he is studying gene editing and plant breeding. He would like to see genetic changes to seeds to make today’s crops more resistant to the extreme weather conditions that we are experiencing. After obtaining his degree, he thinks that he would like to conduct research at a university on the benefits of altering cover crops.
Bill and Dorothy Abraham Scholarship ($1,000)
- No Qualifying Applicants
Patrick and Timothy Kerrigan Scholarship ($1,000)
- Emily Griffin who lives near Sarnia. She is enrolled in her 2nd year at Lambton College studying Business Administration with an emphasis on accounting. She writes that she has served as the President of the South Lambton 4-H Dairy Club and has worked on a dairy farm for 6 years. Her plans after graduation is find employment as an accountant and to continue to assist her father on his sheep farm and perhaps to have a sheep farm of her own someday.
Bell One Scholarship ($1,000)
- Theresa Van Damme who lives near Alvinston. She is enrolled in her fourth year at the University of Guelph studying towards a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. She states in her application that she chose this program because she is very interested in the science and research side of agriculture. Over the last few years, she has watched the innovative changes that is occurring in the industry such as variable rate fertilizer application and robotic equipment steering and is excited about what farming will look like in the next 10 years. She wants to be part of the group that facilitates these changes.
Bell Two Scholarship ($1,000)
- Sarah Hayter of Alvinston. She is entering her second year of the Food and Agriculture Business Co op program at the University of Guelph. She states that this program is geared to offer the management, economic, technical and leadership skills to be successful in agribusiness and agriculture. After graduation she plans to travel to foreign countries to learn about their agricultural procedures before entering the workforce.
Dona Stewardson Scholarship ($1,000)
- Megan McGrail who lives near Wyoming. She is enrolled in her 5th year of Public Management at the University of Guelph. This program allows for co op work terms and she is currently serving a work term with Wanstead Co op. Megan says that she plans to continue working in the agriculture sector after she completes her Bachelor of Commerce degree.
Lois Wakefield Scholarship ($1,000)
- Nikki Boere who lives in Warwick Township. She is a recent graduate of North Lambton Secondary School and she will be attending McMaster University this fall enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Nursing program. She states that being raised on a pork farm has taught her the importance of team work to get the big jobs done. During high school she has served on student council and the Terry Fox Relay for Life committee. She says that while agriculture and health care are two different sectors of the economy, they both have a huge impact on people’s overall health. After graduating from the nursing program she would like to work as a nurse practitioner or perhaps enrol in medical school.
Don McCabe Scholarship ($1,000)
- No qualifying applicants.
Meeting Video:
2022 LFA AGM Booklet
Featured Videos
Guest Speaker – Senator Rob Black:
Local Helping Local Videos:
January 2022 LFA Annual General Meeting
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