Another school year is coming to a close. Children will soon be out of school, vacations will start. Remember to use caution on the road. If you are looking for an activity for the day, or for a reason to plan a ‘staycation’ grab a copy of the Locally Lambton map, it has excellent ideas for family activities.

Lambton’s First Breakfast on the Farm was a smashing success! Held at Forbsvue Dairy Farm, the community enjoyed a hearty breakfast donated by local producers and community members saw equipment farmers use regularly, played a few children’s safety games, and toured the dairy barn. Our urban neighbours had a chance to briefly experience the farm and the work that goes into running it. Thanks to all the partners and volunteers for making the day so enjoyable for all! (see for a full list of partners)

Lambton Public Health is conducting a survey to learn what food means to Lambton County residents. They want to know what you eat, where you buy food, and what changes are needed to improve healthy food access. Take the 15 minute survey from June 2 – 23 for a chance to win one of five $100 grocery gift cards. Your input will be combined with other local information to create a snapshot of the food landscape in Lambton. Click here to be redirected to the survey.

Farm and Food Care – Tour Farm & Food Care is hosting a series of bus tours profiling innovation in animal welfare and environment on farms and agri-businesses across Ontario. Agriculture is ever-changing, and the best way to keep ahead of innovations is to get out of the office to visit real farms and meet the people behind current issues. Join your fellow government and agri-business leaders for this unique day of learning, networking and discussion. June 12, 2014. Cost is $40 Register at

The Lambton Farm Safety association proudly announces Children’s Safety Day on July 3rd at the Petrolia Arena. Children ages 6-12 will have a great day filled with learning and fun. Cost is $5 and participation is limited, so be sure to pre-register by contacting Linda MacLean @ 519-786-2086 Agnes Dickenson @ 519-344-7858 Lambton AGLink Needs Your Submissions! Please send in your commodity newsletter, events and updates to [email protected]. Let keep the county informed!

June 2014 Radio Show Report
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