Virtual Lambton County Farm Tour Video Conference
February 11, 2021:
In this 8 minute video, Bradey Couwenberg of Wanstead Farmers Co-operative, Bill Gordon and family of Gordon’s Roxburgh Farms, Inc Dairy Farm, and Chuck & Justin Baresich from Haggerty Creek Ltd. talk about technology in agriculture and how it affects precision farming and helps with sustainability, and labour challenges.
—- Video by Frameworks Media Inc.
Slide Deck:
To watch the full conference video, CLICK HERE
Bonus information:
- Wanstead Farmers Co-operative AGRIS Innovation and Solutions
- Haggerty Creek DOT Action videos
- Haggerty Creek RoamIO HCT Action videos
- JOZ Moov Feed Pusher – Gordons Roxburgh Farms
Precision farming, sustainable agriculture, carbon reduction practices, all require reliable broadband internet.
“Consumers who want well-sourced, sustainable food and a story behind it have little understanding what any of this technology means, or does, or even exists.”
“But if consumers knew about it, even a little bit, they might start realizing the need for better rural internet.”
“Consumers who want to reduce the carbon intensity of their food should advocate for better rural internet.”
From: Universal internet access helps make food more sustainable.
Precision Agriculture Study
Precision agriculture uses technologies to enhance sustainability through the more efficient use of critical inputs, such as land, water, fuel, fertilizer, and pesticides. Essentially, farmers who use precision agriculture tools use less to grow more.
- Read More
- In Depth Study: The Environmental Benefits of Precision Agriculture in Canada
- The Environmental Benefits of Modern Agriculture
RealAg Live with Mary Robinson, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Mary Robinson speaks with Shaun Haney from RealAgriculture about agricultural labour issues, business risk management, the carbon tax and answers various questions.
CAHRC – Costs and Impacts of Labour Shortages in Canadian Agriculture
Sarnia-Lambton Chamber Technology Info Webinar
Agricultural question asked at the Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce’s Industry Insights Meets Career Impacts – Technology Info Webinar, November 2020
More Links:
- Feeding Your Future – Promoting agri-food jobs and training opportunities across Ontario.
- 360 Farm Tours with Farm & Food Care Ontario – Take an immersive tour of various farms across Ontario
- AgScape Educational Resources – Agriculural education resources for teachers
- Lambton-Kent Agriculture In The Classroom – Science Education Partnership
- COVID-19 Resource Library – for International Agricultural Workers and Employers
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