The recent news from the McGuinty government reversing the industrial property tax classification for maple syrup producers is welcome news, says Bill Mailloux, vice-president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA).

“Finance Minister Sorbara’s announcement tells us the provincial government recognizes there are problems with the way farming is defined for property tax assessment purposes. We hope the Minister will now turn his attention to extending this reversal to other farmers in Ontario by accepting a proposed definition of farming for assessment purposes,” Mailloux says. OFA and commodity organizations such as the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association have been working with Minister Sorbara and government officials to develop an acceptable assessment definition for all of agriculture. An agreed definition of farming will prevent huge property tax increases for farmers.

OFA President Ron Bonnett was pleased Minister of Agriculture and Food Steve Peters indicated the government’s willingness to work with farm organizations “to establish clarity in agricultural definitions for the purpose of property classification,” in March 2004. Minister Peters recognized the contribution of farmers to the “overall health and prosperity of this province,” in this recent announcement regarding Maple Syrup producers.

The government announcement dealt specifically with maple syrup producers, but the reclassification goes well beyond that commodity. Hatcheries, fruit and vegetable production facilities, and apple storage operations are some of the others that have to be considered.

OFA is continuing to meet with government officials, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, commodity and other organizations and will have a proposed definition of “farm” for assessment purposes to put before the Minister of Finance soon.

~Ron Bonnett~
President Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Maple Syrup today, all Ontario Farms Soon
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