Enbridge Gas has hired a third-party contractor to undertake a route analysis study to construct a 20 km long pipeline between Enbridge Gas’ Dawn-Parkway Line at Watford Station (located in the Municipality of Brooke-Alvinston) and Warwick Township.
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) believes the Line 5 pipeline is critical, not only for the agriculture industry, but for employment, cost of living, the economy, and ensuring the continued production of thousands of Canadian products that we rely on daily.
Lambton County Federation of Agriculture added their voices to those calling on governments in Canada to work to keep Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline operating.
The LFA is calling on all levels of government and agricultural organizations to engage the incoming Biden Administration in the United States to find a solution that avoids an energy crisis in Canada during this COVID-19 pandemic.
April 15, 2020 Rooly Georgopoulos, B.Sc. Senior Project Manager Stantec Consulting Ltd. 300W-675 Cochrane Drive Markham, ON L3R 0B8 Dear Rooly Georgopolous, With respect to your instructions for those without the capability to participate in your “Virtual Open House” due